“Diocese of Charleston Bicentennial”

“On July 20, 2020, the Diocese of Charleston will celebrate the 200th anniversary of its historic founding. Pope Pius VII canonically established the diocese on July 11, 1820. Thanks to the foresight of our first bishop, Most. Rev. John England, and his successors, a once scattered flock of only a handful of souls is now a community of believers over 200,000 strong…

…We look forward to celebrating the presence of the Catholic Church in South Carolina through deanery and parish events. We will give thanks to God for all that we have been given through our faith, prayer, and values. Bookmark this page for the Calendar of Events happening around the state.”

Visit the Diocese Website!

Diocese of Charleston Bicentennial

“Lowcountry non-profit works to revitalize North Charleston neighborhood” ABCnews4.com

"Bill Stanfield, CEO of Metanoia, says it hopes to empower people with economic development projects, affordable housing, and leadership training. (WCIV)"

“NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — Non-profit group Metanoia is working to revitalize and preserve North Charleston’s Chicora Cherokee neighborhood.”…”Metanoia’s CEO Bill Stanfield just hopes he can continue building a better future, without losing Chicora Cherokee’s past. “There’s lots of great things happening in the community. We just need to help them grow to make them stronger.”

Metanoia runs on donations. You can give here.

Learn more! Read the ABCnews4.com article!